APS join forces on monitoring the public resources in April 25 elections

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

The Academy of Political Studies will join forces in monitoring the financing and use of public resources during the electoral campaign of April 25, 2021. The project "Strengthening Election Transparency in Albania" (SETA) is financially supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Tirana and the joint Council of Europe and the European Union "Action against Economic Crime in Albania". The contribution agreement was signed today between the Dutch ambassador Ms. Guusje Korthals Altes and the director of ASP, Mr. Erjon Tase.

The project is built around three components.

1.    Communication/information on provisions against use of public administration resources - Increasing the understanding and awareness of the electoral stakeholders and the general public on new electoral provisions and referral mechanisms on campaign finance and misuse of administrative resources.

2.    Strengthening monitoring potential of civil society and media - Supporting the capacities and participation of civil society and media on monitoring the implementation of legal provisions on campaign finance and use of public administration resources, including undue influence and intimidation of voters.

3.    Capacity building of election’s administration - Facilitation of monitoring and oversight of the Central Election Commission - CEC  and other electoral stakeholders on campaign finance and use of state resources.

The geographical areas in focus of the project are: Shkoder, Durres, Tirane, Elbasan, Vlore, Gjirokaster and Korce, while the key beneficiaries involve:

•    Election’s administration - In close partnership with the Council of Europe and European Union Action Against Economic Crime in Albania, will be facilitated the capacity building assistance of relevant administrative staff at the CEC in charge of training/education as well as the oversight of campaign finance aspects.

•    Other relevant stakeholders responsible for the implementation of new electoral legal provisions (Public entities, Local Authorities, Health and Education institutions, Prosecutor office and State Police) will be informed and capacitated to implement the obligations.

•    Media representatives - In cooperation with the CoE and the CEC, APS will organise Training of Trainers and roll out trainings targeting representatives of national and local media;

•    Civil Society representatives working on electoral matters - Strengthening their experience in monitoring the resources of electoral campaign and their involvement in electoral process.

•    University Students/Youth activist - Students and universities in seven regions will be trained and engaged in informative campaigns and monitoring of the electoral campaign finances and misuse of public administration resources.

•    Public at large - Informative campaigns as well as increased transparency of the electoral process which will have a direct impact on the citizens' vote and their confidence on elections.