The first national course on “Political campaigns and elections"

Sunday, March 17, 2019

The first national course took place in Voskopoja, Korce from 15-17 March 2019. The guest lecturers shared with the participants the best of national and international practice. Mr. Jim Arkedis, who has over 15 years of experience in American political campaigns, addressed the topics of “Political communication and campaigning”. A significant part of this presentation was devoted to discussing the last presidential election and how President Donald Trump managed to win the election. Two other topics as "Essential of Public Speaking" and "Public Debating Techniques" were introduced to the training, offering to the participants the opportunity to get acquainted with and practice the most contemporary techniques in this field.

The second module of the course was focused on the Electoral Systems. "The History of Albanian Electoral Systems" was presented by Mr. Kastriot Islami, former Chairman of the Parliment and one of the most experienced electoral reform experts. Informing about the problems encountered in different election systems were highly appreciated by the participants to better understand the current political discourse on ongoing electoral reform.

Participants also had the opportunity to get acquainted during the training days with the rich historical and cultural heritage of village of Voskopoja.