First ASPS national course on political parties and elections

Monday, February 23, 2015

The first national course of the Albanian School of Political Studies named “Political Parties and elections” took place in Pogradec from 19 - 22 February 2015. The course started with a comparative view of the electoral systems, the chronology of elections and their related concerns since the establishment of the Albanian state with particular focus over the last 24 years, provided by one of the best Albanian experts, Mr. Kastriot Islami, MP and former member of the Albanian delegation to PACE. The participants discussed the practical implementation of the electoral code and especially in the focus of the next elections of 21 June.   Mr. Afrim Krasniqi, political scientist and former adviser of the President of Albania, addressed the topic of internal democracy in the Albanian political system. He presented the findings of the recent case study applied to three main political parties in Albania on the internal democracy. The comparison between the Internal democracy best practices with the current practice of Albanian political parties, created the practical approach to the topic.

A special attention was dedicated to the political communication and the creation and delivering of the political message. The lecturer, Ms. Kristina Wilfore, Principal at “Karakoyun strategies”, a senior expert of all aspects of politics and grassroots organizing, brought also the best international experiences on electoral campaigns. As a former expert in Ukrainian office of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) from 2009 to 2013, Ms. Wilfore had the possibility to share with the participants a deeply analyze in view of recent developments in this country. The topics covered by this course were carefully selected and put in a logic order to complement and support each other.