Thursday, June 05, 2014
National energy legal framework in the EU, basic guidelines and suggestions in regards to the development of municipal programs on energy efficiency, techniques and mechanisms for recording energy consumption, ESCO companies, energy efficiency in public procurement - these were some of the topics and contents which were presented during the first training devoted to municipal officials in the frames of the IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Project funded by the EU under the title "Initiative to enhance public dialogue on sustainable use of energy." The training held in Hotel Molika – Pelister, was attended by representatives from several municipalities such as Bitola, Kicevo, Mavrovo and Rostusa, Novaci, Debarca , Demir Hisar and etc. At the two-day event, attended municipal officials not solely involved and related to energy and energy efficiency, by representatives from other departments such as funding and budget, planning and urban environment. Participants expressed appreciation for the opportunity to hear for the latest possibilities, solutions and tools for decreasing energy consumption in municipalities and how energy efficiency to become an integral part of the operation of all municipal departments. They especially expressed gratitude that among the topics, they were acquainted with "Financing projects in the area of energy efficiency." The finances are the major problem and obstacle to foster the investments and activities in municipalities, whereas the content of this training session informed the representatives for the financial entities that provide loans and grants for projects in this area - EU , EBRD, World Bank and others. The next training is scheduled for September at which will be invited representatives of civil society, business community and citizens who will be infomrmed about the of energy efficiency investments.