Training on academic and essay writing

Monday, March 31, 2014

The Albanian School of Political Studies programme includes specific training on academic and essay writing which is delivered in parallel to the essay writing process. On 28 March 2014, the first seminar on such topic was conducted under the guidance of the general coordinator for the essay writing exercise, Mr. Bernard Zeneli. Participants were explained the techniques and elements of style for argumentative and analytical writing. They also will receive feedback and recommendations from experts working on the issues, selected as subjects for the essays.

Upon completion of the programme participants are required to submit a final essay/paper on a subject of their choice, which should be related to the thematic of the programme. The general subject selected for 2014 is "Good governance", involving eight principals characteristics recognased by United Nations.

The policy paper exercise constitutes an individual contribution of the ASPS participants. They are expected to react from their own perspective to the topics introduced by ASPS experts and that correlate with the themes of the programme. The purpose of this exercise is twofold: 1) to train the participant’s argumentative and analytical skills and, 2) make an original contribution to knowledge in the area. The outstanding papers will be used to stimulate public debates with the participation of politicians, rep-resentatives of state institutions at central and local level, civil society organisations, media, education institutions, etc